Scotland's councils have been invited to get involved with a “groundbreaking” talent management research programme, as SPDS partners with NEREO (the...
SPDS user
What’s next for flexible working?
Nikki Slowey from Flexibility Works led a breakout session at the SPDS Conference where she shared some insights on what flexible working looks like...
Public sector reform: Building capacity for transformation
At the SPDS conference, Chief Executive of Argyll and Bute Council,Pippa Milne, and Organisational Development Programme Manager for Improvement...
Are there signs of a growing unease across the public sector in Scotland?
It is fair to say that people professionals have now had to navigate several years of upheaval in workplaces. From COVID-19, through the...
Employment law update: Part 2
Stephen Miller and Frances Ross from Clyde & Co (Scotland) LLP provided a helpful primer on several aspects of employment law, including...
Employment law update: Part 1
Stephen Miller and Graham Mitchell from Clyde & Co (Scotland) LLP provided a helpful primer on several aspects of employment law, including...
Delivering sustainable transformational change: A local authority case study
“The only person who likes change is a baby with a wet nappy.” That quote from Mark Twain (yes, really) is critical to remember when embarking on...
Four ways to build your personal resilience
With many organisations undergoing bruising change journeys to help them survive in tough economic times and get fit for the future, bolstering...
Eight lessons on designing our organisations for the future
With the world of work changing fast, it’s incumbent on HR and OD professionals to lead and adapt at pace, helping to embed change and getting their...
Five innovative ideas for making a difference to the world of work today – and in the future
Bertie Tonks, chief people officer at Collinson who is recognised as one of HR’s Most Influential practitioners by HR magazine, brought infectious...