Society of Personnel & Development Constitution

Society of Personnel & Development Constitution

1. Who Are We?

We are the Society of Personnel and Development Scotland, known as SPDS.

2. What Do We Do?

Our objectives are to:

  • consider and influence issues which impact on the local government workforce in Scotland
  • contribute to high quality local government service delivery in Scotland by working collaboratively with key decision makers, promoting best HR practice, and participating at a strategic level on workforce issues
  • promote and develop the knowledge, skills and competence of SPDS members through collaborative activities and networking opportunities

3. Our Members

Anyone employed by a Scottish local authority or associated organisation who is responsible for delivering, developing or implementing HR or OD services, or corporate Health & Safety services, can be a member of SPDS

The SPDS Treasurer, with support from the office bearers when required, will make decisions on all applications for membership

If you end your employment with a relevant employer, or change your role away from HR or OD, your membership will end at the date of the annual renewal of your subscription fees. There is an option for SPDS members to become an Associate Member on retirement and continue to contribute to Society work.

All SPDS members undertaking work on behalf of SPDS will be expected to do so in a professional manner, promoting best practice, and the objectives of SPDS, as guided by the Executive Committee

If we need to consider your membership as a result of your conduct, the SPDS Executive Committee will arrange for the matter to be investigated. You will be given 10 working days’ notice of this including the nature of any issues being considered. If we need to, we will call a Special General Meeting following any investigation. This could result in you being expelled if the majority of members present vote for this to happen.

4. What do Members get in Return?

As a SPDS member, you can:

  • join the SPDS Portfolio Groups which will be beneficial to your work interests
  • attend workshops arranged by the Society (some may be free, others at membership rates)
  • attend the Society’s annual conference at membership rates
  • represent the Society at different meetings
  • stand for election as Regional Group Secretary and in turn, represent your Group on the SPDS Executive Committee
  • stand for election to a Portfolio Group lead officer role, and represent your Group on the SPDS Executive Committee
  • stand for election to an office bearer role (see section 5)

SPDS Associate Member will be able to:

  • participate in Portfolio Groups
  • particaptate in Sub Groups as agreed by the Executive Committee
  • attend and vote at the AGM
  • attend workshops arranged by the Society
  • attend the Society’s annual conference

The Associate Membership excludes the following elected positions:

  • appointment to the Executive Committee
  • chair/lead role or depute of the Portfolio Group
  • geographical secretary
  • office bearer

5. Office Bearers of the Society

The office bearers of SPDS are the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. Previous Presidents will remain part of the office bearer group provided they continue to be a member of SPDS or until they choose to leave. Other officers can also be co-opted on to the office bearer group to assist with the workload of SPDS.

The President and Vice-President are in these roles from their election at a SPDS Annual General Meeting for a period of one year. To be President or Vice-President, you must have been a member of the SPDS Executive Committee in the year preceding the AGM at which you are elected. At the end of the President’s one year, the Vice-President will automatically become the President from the date of the AGM in that year. The Vice-President will be identified by the office bearers and nominated as Vice-President to the AGM. Any member of the Executive Committee who has been on the Committee in the preceding year can advise the office bearers that they would wish to be considered for the role.

At the AGM, the outgoing President will become the Immediate Past President, until the date of the next AGM

The Immediate Past President will remain in that role for 1 year. Following the 1 year, they will remain on the office bearer group until they choose to leave or until SPDS changes such arrangements

The Secretary and Treasurer will be elected each year at the AGM and are eligible for re-election

6. How We Do Our Business

We have an Executive Committee which includes:

  • The SPDS office bearers (see section 5)
  • The lead officer for each of our Portfolio Groups, or the depute lead officer in their absence (see section 8)
  • The Regional Group secretaries (see section 9)
  • We need a minimum of 6 members to attend for us to be quorate
  • The President is the chairperson of our meetings and can appoint a substitute in their absence
  • The Executive Committee members can add items to the agenda for the meetings
  • The SPDS Secretary will issue the agenda 5 working days in advance of the meetings
  • The meeting arrangements and procedure will be at the discretion of the chairperson

7. Role of the Executive Committee

Our Executive Committee will oversee the work of SPDS. In particular, they will:

  • Provide leadership for SPDS and our members
  • Identify and agree the SPDS priorities
  • Agree the Portfolio Groups of SPDS to ensure delivery of our priorities
  • Appoint sub-Groups for specific tasks, as required
  • Undertake the work necessary to support our priorities and objectives, with support from the wider membership as required
  • Make appointments to any office bearer or Portfolio lead officer role which arises following the AGM, for the period up to the next AGM. Selection will be made from the relevant portfolio members followed by the wider SPDS members
  • Agree appropriate expenditure for SPDS, to deliver the business of SPDS, in consultation with the SPDS Treasurer and subject to funds being available
  • Consider reports from Portfolio Groups, Regional Groups or any other sub-Groups appointed, and make decisions on matters arising from these
  • Ensure good communication mechanisms are in place with SPDS members

The President, or in their absence, one of the SPDS office bearers, may act on behalf of the Executive Committee to deal with time critical matters, reporting these to the next available meeting of the Executive Committee.

All members undertaking work for the Society will consult with the Executive Committee and report to them, as required to ensure good communication and appropriate decision making.

8. Our Portfolio Groups

SPDS has a number of Portfolio Groups which represent the priorities of the Society. All Members of the Society have the option to join these Groups.

Each Group has a lead officer who is a member of the Executive Committee for the duration of them undertaking this role (they may continue on the Committee in some other role too, e.g., as an office bearer).

The Portfolio Group will agree a depute lead officer. The depute will substitute for the lead officer on the Executive Committee as and when required by the lead officer.

Through the lead officer, each Portfolio Group will provide an update on the work of their Group at each Executive Committee.

We also have an associated Health & Safety Group which ensures good networking and sharing of best practice specifically for Health & Safety colleagues.

9. Our Regional Groups

To ensure all members have appropriate and regular networking opportunities, we have 4 Regional Groups. All members of the Society can attend the relevant Group for their Council area. These are:

Group 1

  • Aberdeen City
  • Aberdeenshire
  • Highland
  • Moray
  • Orkney
  • Shetland
  • Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar

Group 2

  • Angus
  • Clackmannanshire
  • Dundee City
  • Fife
  • Perth & Kinross
  • Stirling

Group 3

  • City of Edinburgh
  • Dumfries & Galloway
  • East Lothian
  • Falkirk
  • Midlothian
  • Scottish Borders
  • West Lothian

Group 4

  • Argyll & Bute
  • City of Glasgow
  • East Ayrshire
  • East Dunbartonshire
  • East Renfrewshire
  • Inverclyde
  • North Ayrshire
  • North Lanarkshire
  • Renfrewshire
  • South Ayrshire
  • South Lanarkshire
  • West Dunbartonshire

Each Group will agree a Group Secretary. This person will be a member of the Group. The Group Secretary will hold this role for one year, starting at the AGM each year. They can be re-elected for this role for future years, subject to this being agreed by the Group.

The Group Secretary will arrange meetings of the Group and can be supported by others in doing this. The agenda for these meetings is at the discretion of the Group. The Groups may be asked to undertake work on behalf of the Executive Committee.

The Group Secretary will update the Executive Committee on the work of the Group either by submitting a written report or verbally at the meeting. They will also provide feedback to and from the Group and the Executive Committee to ensure good two-way communication.

If required, the Group can elect a new Group Secretary prior to the next AGM and report this to the Executive Committee.

10. Our Annual General Meeting

The office bearers will agree a time and location for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of all SPDS members. This may be held virtually. The Secretary will provide 6 weeks’ notice of the meeting to members.

The agenda and papers for the AGM will be issued 5 working days prior to the meeting.

The AGM will consider reports from the outgoing President and Secretary. The outgoing Treasurer will also submit the audited annual accounts for SPDS to the AGM. Each Portfolio lead officer and each Regional Group Secretary will also be asked to submit a report to the AGM outlining the work of their Group over the past year.

All SPDS members can submit items, motions or questions for the AGM. These must be provided to the Secretary 10 working days prior to the date of the AGM.

The President will be the chairperson of the AGM and can appoint a substitute in their absence. The meeting arrangements and procedure will be entirely at their discretion. We need a minimum of one third of our members to attend the AGM for us to be quorate. If there is a need for a vote, each member will have one vote. If there is a ‘tie’ in the votes, the President shall have a second or casting vote.

11. Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting (SGM) can be called for two reasons:

  • At the discretion of the office bearers for an urgent item which requires member input
  • At the request of SPDS members. This requires a minimum of 10 SPDS members to set out the reason for them wishing to call a SGM and submitting this to the Secretary.

The President will decide on the time and place of the meeting (which can be held virtually). This will be held as soon as practically possible, with the Secretary providing all members with a minimum of 10 working days’ notice of the date of the meeting. The agenda and papers for the meeting will be issued 5 working days in advance of the meeting. All other arrangements and procedures for the meeting will be in line with those set out for the AGM.

12. Subscriptions

We will agree the SPDS subscription fees at our AGM. Members must pay these fees to our Treasurer within 3 months of the date of the AGM.

If you don’t pay your fees within this timescale, the Treasurer, following a reminder with 10 working days’ notice, will make arrangements to end your membership of SPDS.

There will be two levels of subscription fees:

  • Full Membership
  • Associate Membership

Society’s Year

The financial year of SPDS will be 1 September to 31 August. For all other purposes the year commences on the day following the AGM and closes at the end of the day of the next AGM. The AGM will normally be held in November.

Appointment of Auditor

The AGM will appoint an Auditor for SPDS. The Auditor will not be a member of the Executive Committee. The Auditor will audit the accounts of SPDS and undertake any other work as considered necessary by the Treasurer or the office bearers.

Appointment of Trustees

The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President of SPDS shall be the Trustees of SPDS. The property of SPDS shall be vested in the Trustees of SPDS.

Investment of Funds

The funds of the SPDS not required for current business or to meet accruing liabilities may be invested in any of the investments referred to in Parts I, II and III of the First Schedule to the Trustee Investments Act 1961.


SPDS may at any time be dissolved by a motion carried by at least two-thirds of all members present and voting at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. The Secretary shall give not less than 20 working days written notice to all members of such meeting together with the proposal to consider a motion for dissolution of SPDS. Should such a motion be agreed, unless SPDS at such a Special General Meeting directs otherwise, the Trustees shall assess the assets of SPDS and after discharge of all liabilities, divide these equally amongst all persons who are active members of SPDS as at the date of the Special General Meeting. Upon the completion of the assets SPDS shall be dissolved. If the dissolution is for the purpose of amalgamating SPDS with another Society, the Trustees shall transfer all assets to the Trustees of the ‘new’ Society.

Alteration of Constitution

This Constitution may be rescinded, added to, or altered by notice of the proposal on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. It will require a majority of all members present at the meeting to support the changes.