We currently have 12 Portfolio Groups, representing a range of policy areas important to local government employers and employees across Local Government in Scotland, that our members focus on in supporting Scotland’s Councils to deliver their strategies and manage the performance of their people.

We currently have 12 Portfolio Groups, representing a range of policy areas important to local government employers and employees across Local Government in Scotland, that our members focus on in supporting Scotland’s Councils to deliver their strategies and manage the performance of their people.

As advisers to COSLA, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, on employee matters, we provide HR leadership and support to hundreds of thousands of council employees working across Scotland. We advise on national pay and conditions and support the development of employee related policies.

Attendance and well-being

  • Portfolio lead: Kirsty McElroy, Fife Council
  • Depute: Elizabeth Crighton, Fife Council

Our attendance and well-being group develops and shares strategies to reduce the financial and human cost of sickness absence, considering benchmarking information, best practice, tools to support the management of absence and holistic employee health and wellbeing approaches to prevent absence.

Members act as representatives of SPDS on working groups or in preparation of responses.  The group is developing links with NHS colleagues.


  • Portfolio Lead: Sharon Dick, East Renfrewshire Council
  • Depute: Alison McBride, West Dunbartonshire Council

The digital portfolio group supports the aspiration of a digitally mature local government workforce and is developing a digital presence for the SPDS.

The group aims to add value at a strategic level to Digital Leadership, inputting to and seeking to influence the people elements of digital agenda of the Scottish Government, Digital Office, SOLACE, Improvement Service, and all Scottish councils. It is identifying gaps and improvement actions and is a sounding board for project development in this area.

Members are helping to improve communication and influence digital leadership developments across councils. They are also reviewing the context of the employment relationship in relation to digital, and members share best practice developments in improving digital, data skills and culture change relating to digital leadership.

Employment Law

  • Portfolio lead: Claire Wallace, West Lothian Council
  • Sarah Langsford, Clackmannanshire Council

The Employment Law Group maintains an overview of employment law developments, considering policy impacts and providing advice and guidance to support best practice application across local authorities. The group act as representatives of SPDS on working groups, for preparation of responses and work collaboratively on areas of common interest.

Equalities & Social Inclusion

  • Portfolio lead: Caroline McKellar, City of Edinburgh Council
  • Depute: tbc

The equalities & social inclusion group maintains an overview of equalities and social inclusion developments, providing advice / guidance and acting as representatives of SPDS on working groups or in preparation of responses. Members work collaboratively on areas of common interest in the field of equalities, diversity and inclusion to share best practice and ensure a consistency of approach across all local authorities, where appropriate.

Health & Social Care Integration

  • Portfolio lead: Michelle Milne, South Lanarkshire Council
  • Depute: tbc

The heath & social care integration group provides strategic advice, contributes to, influences progress, and develops all HR, OD and related matters on health and social care integration. The group links closely with COSLA on matters relating to health and social care.

Job Evaluation

  • Portfolio lead: Victoria Rogers, West Dunbartonshire
  • Depute: vacant

This group leads on all matters relating to the review of job evaluation, ensuring that SPDS views are incorporated, and sufficient support is provided during national discussions.

Organisational Development

Organisational Development activities for local government are led by the Improvement Service (IS). Amanda Spark from IS updates SPDS on developments and opportunities. Information can be found on the Knowledge Hub (insert link)


  • Portfolio lead: Angela Rainey, Inverclyde Council
  • Depute: Victoria Rogers, West Dunbartonshire

The pensions and retirement group contributes to the development of the Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS) and teachers’ pension scheme (STSS) representing local government employers’ interests, with the aim of having schemes which are fit for purpose, whilst remaining attractive to our workforce.

SJC/SJNC Advisers

  • Portfolio lead: Lesley Henderson, West Lothian
  • Supported by Office Bearers

Our SJC (Scottish Joint Council)/SJNC (Scottish Joint Negotiating Council) advisers provide strategic advice on all matters relating to the national SJC employee and SJNC (Chief Officer) pay, terms and conditions and any other related matters.

SNCT (Scottish Negotiating Council for Teachers) Advisers

  • Portfolio lead: Tracey Gillespie, Falkirk Council
  • Supported by Office Bearers [GG2]

The SNCT advisers provide strategic advice on all matters relating to SNCT pay, terms and conditions, national book of conditions, national education issues and any other related matters. The group links closely with ADES (Associate of Directors of Education)

Social Work Including Protection of Vulnerable Groups

  • Portfolio lead: Elaine Barrie, Highland Council
  • Depute: Vacant

This group provides advice/guidance on social work issues and continually reviews the effectiveness of the Disclosure Scotland process, with a particular focus on PVG and the impact that Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) requirements have on the social services workforce. The group works in partnership with SSSC and Disclosure Scotland to progress issues, including representing SPDS on working groups.

Youth Employment & Talent Management

  • Portfolio Lead: Sharon Faulkner, Angus Council
  • Depute Lesley Strahan, Aberdeen City Council

Our youth employment & talent management portfolio group contributes to the development of the myjobscotland website on behalf of local government, with the aim of further developing an effective system, processes, and procedures and raise the profile of local government as an attractive employer.

Members also contribute to other areas of talent management and new developments to support local government and contributes and provides strategic advice on Youth Employability including all aspects relating to modern apprenticeships. The group works in partnership with others to ensure this agenda is taken forward with local government representation.

Workforce Planning

  • Portfolio Lead: Fiona Whittaker, North Lanarkshire Council

This group co-ordinates the SPDS response to the growing demand for information and support on Council workforce planning activities. The group works closely across partnerships, liaising with the Improvement Service and SOLACE, raising the profile of workforce challenges and solutions in local government.